In this practice I am going to explain how to read an analog value from a knob and convert it to a digital signal to display these real value in a LCD screen using the SPI serial interface to comunicate the DAC with the PIC18F4550.
To perform this conversion, I will use a MCP3204 configured with SPI interface. This device needs a library (MCP3204.c) to be programmed more easily.
The first step is build a scheme in Proteus:
I started configurating the library with the pins I want to use:
#define MCP3204_CLK PIN_B1
#define MCP3204_DOUT PIN_B0
#define MCP3204_DIN PIN_C7
#define MCP3204_CS PIN_A0
And this is the code i used:
// CABECERA /////////////////////////////////////////////////
#include <18f4550.h>
#fuses XT,MCLR
#use delay(clock=20000000)
#include <LCD_flexible.c>
#include <C:\Users\Talavera\Desktop\Clase\New Folder\Luis\MPLAB\MCP_3204_SPI\mcp3204.c>
// VARIABLES GLOBALES ///////////////////////////
long int valor;
float voltaje;
// FUNCIONES ////////////////////////////////////////////////
// PRINCIPAL //////////////////////////////////////////////////
void main()
lcd_putc("CAD MCP 3204");
valor = read_analog(0);
voltaje = (valor*5.0)/4096;
printf(lcd_putc,"Voltaje = %f V", voltaje);
Is time to simulate our program in Proteus and see the results:
We can see in the LCD screen how this voltaje value matches with the voltimeter value we control with a knob.
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